Saturday, October 15, 2022



There’s much truth to this quote from William Shakespeare. The world (the “producers” and “directors” that control the “script”) tells us what to think, what to buy, how to act. They pull the strings of humanity like a puppeteer does with a marionette. They distort and replace God’s perfect and holy ways for their debased ones while guiding mankind wherever they desire. None other than Satan is the master puppeteer. And most go along ignorantly even blissfully while caught up in his grand deceptions.
At one time people knew the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. We knew that 2+2=4 and the difference between men and women. Even if we didn’t know God we we had an inner understanding of His precepts. We understood the sacredness of marriage and the sanctity of all human life—born and yet to be born.
Those sacred, God given precepts still stand, but today mankind has slipped into the peak of debauchery. Man has basically given God the finger and said, “Screw you! I’ll live my life as I want!” Sorry for the intense language, but we need to wake up and admit this world is decaying rapidly—morally and spiritually. Stop thinking that some next election with getting in the right political leaders is going to make a difference. How’s that been working for us the last several years?
We are at the end, folks. And the answer remains to be not in some futile hope of this world and those in it, but in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and that whosoever believes on Him will be saved and have life eternal. We are saved, not by our works or our goodness, but only through Jesus and His blood that He shed on the cross. Period.
Stop holding on to this world and pretending that things are normal! The evidence is clear for those willing to see. Get right with God! Turn to Jesus!

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