Time is running out. It's time to wake up to the fact that there remains but only one Hope. And that is Jesus Christ. He's always been our only hope.
The woes of the world have always been based on one thing. Sin. This is a fallen world. Not how God intended it, but because of free will that He gave mankind man chose to revolt against Him and His creation. We are all broken as a result. Broken in our relationship towards Him and towards one another.
The fix?
The Cross.
You know the verse: John 3:16. God's eternal plan for saving us from the penalty of sin and saving us from ourselves.
Jesus died for your sins and mine because God so loved the world and He desires that none of us should perish but live forever with Him. He loves so incredibly. If you're not sure about that look again to the cross that He died upon. Look at His arms stretched open wide as if saying, "I love you this much! Come to Me!"
Time is short. Things are not getting better. This world is winding down and getting ready to collapse on itself. If you're not convinced this is true then you may not be living on the same planet that I am.
Time is short. If you don't know Jesus now's a good time to know Him. "Today is the day of salvation."

His peace to us.
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